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The following publications from the Maricopa County Recorder and Elections Department are available for you to print and/or download.

Maricopa County Recorder’s Quarterly Report January – March 2024
I Voted Sticker Contest 2024 Winners
I Voted Sticker Contest 2024 Finalists Voting
I Voted Sticker Contest 2024
Maricopa County Recorder’s Office 2023 Annual Report
County Recorder Stephen Richer Announces Qualified Political Parties 2024
County Recorder Stephen Richer Introduces Maricopa Title Alert
Maricopa County Recorder’s Office 2022 Annual Report
Experienced Voices Join Recorder’s Office and Elections Department – August 2022
Read the Press Release

Maricopa County Recorder’s Quarterly Report January – March 2022
2022 August Primary and November General Elections Plan
Maricopa County Recorder’s Office 2021 Annual Report
Recorder’s Quarterly Report July – September 2021
Elections Operations Agreement
Recorder’s Quarterly Report April – June 2021
Open Letter to Maricopa County from Recorder Stephen Richer
Recorder’s Quarterly Report January – March 2021
November 3, 2020 General Election Canvass
November 3, 2020 General Election Plans
August 4, 2020 Primary Election Canvass
August 4, 2020 Primary Election Plans
March 17, 2020 Presidential Preference Election Canvass
March 17, 2020 Presidential Preference Election Plans
2018 Midterm Elections Debrief
Primary Election Preliminary Report
2018 Polling Place Wait-Time Reduction Plan
Feb 27, 2018
Post-Election Report: November 2017 Local Elections
Informe post-electoral: Elecciones Locales de noviembre de 2017
Precinct Committeepersons Letter July 2017
Annual Report
A Presidential & Elections Guide
American Flag Booklet

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New Year's Day
Mon, January 2
Mon, January 1
Martin Luther King Jr. / Civil Rights Day
Mon, January 16
Mon, January 15
President's Day
Mon, February 20
Mon, February 19
Memorial Day
Mon, May 29
Mon, May 27
Independence Day
Tue, July 4
Thurs, July 4
Labor Day
Mon, September 4
Mon, September 2
Veteran's Day
Fri, November 10
Mon, November 11 
Thanksgiving Day
Thurs, November 23
Thurs, November 28
Day After Thanksgiving
Fri, November 24
Fri, November 29
Christmas Day
Mon, December 25
Wed, December 25
Día de Año Nuevo
Lun, Enero 2
Lun, Enero 1
Martin Luther King Jr. / Día de los Derechos Civiles
Lun, Enero 16
Lun, Enero 15
Día del Presidente
Lun, Febrero 20
Lun, Febrero 19
Memorial Day
Lun, Mayo 29
Lun, Mayo 27
Día de la Independencia
Mar, Julio 4
Jue, Julio 4
Día laboral
Lun, Septiembre 4
Lun, Septiembre 2
Día de los Veteranos
Vie, Noviembre 10
Lun, Noviembre 11 
Día de Gracias
Jue, Noviembre 23
Jue, Noviembre 28
Día después del Día de Acción de Gracias
Vie, Noviembre 24
Vie, Noviembre 29
Día de Navidad
Lun, Diciembre 25
Miér, Diciembre 25
Copyright © Maricopa County Recorder's Office