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Digital Recording Program

The Maricopa County Recorder’s office is able to receive and record, in digitized format, any recordable instrument including plat and survey maps. This method applies to offices recording documents on a regular basis, and is not suitable for one-time recordings. In Maricopa County, over 90% of documents are recorded digitally. Prior to submitting documents for digital recording, a customer must open an account with the Recorder’s office and sign a Memorandum of Understanding specifying how digital documents are to be submitted. After your account application is processed, you will be assigned an account number. At that point your Digital Recording Folders will be created along with IDs and Passwords. Once we have your folders set up, we will schedule a time to web conference with you to test and answer any questions you may have regarding the process. The web page provided will allow you access to verify if your file(s) was successfully received and waiting to be processed, verify that your file(s) has been successfully recorded and review any file(s) that may have received errors, as well as providing you with the ability to view your transaction history with the Maricopa County Recorder’s office.

ARS 11-461.C defines eligibility for Digital Recording in Maricopa County as…a title insurer or title insurance agent as defined in section 20-1562, by state chartered or federally chartered bank insured by the federal deposit insurance corporation, by an active member of the state bar of Arizona, by an agency, branch or instrumentality of the federal government, a trusted submitter or by a governmental entity… This means your office could be eligible.

There is no additional charge to record electronically; your account will only be billed standard recording fees. The equipment you will need to get started will be: a computer, document scanner, and access to the internet with a current browser. At this time, Brother scanners are not compatible with the Digital Recording software, since they cannot be adjusted to meet the format requirements necessary for digital recording. (For standard documents, a scan must have a minimum width of 8.47 inches, maximum width of 8.53 inches, minimum length of 10.97 inches, and maximum length of 14.25 inches). The Maricopa County Recorder’s office is able to process your documents as either PDF or TIFF Group 4 that comply with our Digital Recording Standards. For help setting up your account, or to determine eligibility, please contact our accounting team at [email protected].

Our office provides the following three options for submitting your documents

Digital Upload – This is the easiest way to submit for many customers. Utilizing a current internet browser and compatible scanner, you will have access to a web based upload application that is good for recording documents on a regular basis. Once your account is set up, our staff will schedule training for you. Our office will web conference our training and cover naming your files, upload, and any questions you may have.

VPN (PPTP) – This method is useful for a high volume transfer of documents, but will require someone in your office who is comfortable working with VPNs to set up and troubleshoot your VPN connection.

eRecording Web Services – Our web service option will be customizable by your programmers. If your IT staff is interested in implementing this, please have them contact our office at [email protected] so that we can get them the information they will need.

Please keep in mind that our technical staff is not able to assist you with any technical issues that are derived from your end. If you have technical questions, I will be happy to discuss them with you and I will try to assist you, however, if your technical problems cannot be resolved you will need to enlist assistance from your IT staff. Once your IDs and Passwords have been assigned, we will walk through the processes together and a member of the Recorder’s staff will explain the functions and tools of each page.

If you have any questions regarding digital recording, or if you would like more information about this process, please email me at  [email protected].

I look forward to working with you and I appreciate your patience during this time period.


Administrative Staff Supervisor
Digital Recording

Getting Started

To get started you will first need to set up an account with our office and complete the required forms.

Information on setting up an account with the Maricopa County Recorder's office and paperwork required can be found at the Customer Account Information page.

You will need Adobe Reader to view documents attached to this page.

Adobe Reader

New Year's Day
Mon, January 2
Mon, January 1
Martin Luther King Jr. / Civil Rights Day
Mon, January 16
Mon, January 15
President's Day
Mon, February 20
Mon, February 19
Memorial Day
Mon, May 29
Mon, May 27
Independence Day
Tue, July 4
Thurs, July 4
Labor Day
Mon, September 4
Mon, September 2
Veteran's Day
Fri, November 10
Mon, November 11
Thanksgiving Day
Thurs, November 23
Thurs, November 28
Day After Thanksgiving
Fri, November 24
Fri, November 29
Christmas Day
Mon, December 25
Wed, December 25
Día de Año Nuevo
Lun, Enero 2
Lun, Enero 1
Martin Luther King Jr. / Día de los Derechos Civiles
Lun, Enero 16
Lun, Enero 15
Día del Presidente
Lun, Febrero 20
Lun, Febrero 19
Memorial Day
Lun, Mayo 29
Lun, Mayo 27
Día de la Independencia
Mar, Julio 4
Jue, Julio 4
Día laboral
Lun, Septiembre 4
Lun, Septiembre 2
Día de los Veteranos
Vie, Noviembre 10
Lun, Noviembre 11
Día de Gracias
Jue, Noviembre 23
Jue, Noviembre 28
Día después del Día de Acción de Gracias
Vie, Noviembre 24
Vie, Noviembre 29
Día de Navidad
Lun, Diciembre 25
Miér, Diciembre 25
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