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Map Recordation Criteria

The following criteria must be met in order for maps to be accepted by the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office. *This is not inclusive and we reserve the right to reject any maps not meeting the ARS guidelines. **This refers to maps other than those that are 8 ½" X 14" or smaller

General Criteria:

  • MATERIAL – Must be printed on Paper, Polyester or Linen (Mylar) per ARS 11-481-B
  • AUTHENTICITY – Must be original map or photographic copy of map. (please see criteria for signature) ARS 11-481-B DO NOT USE DIAZO per ARS 11-481-B **Recommended to test copies with kit.
  • TITLE – Must contain title indicating:
    • type of map or plat
    • name of subdivision or a description of the location of the area by section, township & range
    • name of the owner of record of the property being surveyed
    Per ARS 11-481-A

    Examples: Record of Survey of Sec. 17, T 21N, R 07E
    Owner: John and Mary Smith
    Final Plat of Cheshire Estates Unit 3 in Sec. 5, T 21 N, R 07E
    Owner: J. Smith Development

    • a place for the recorder's information and seal block on the sheet
  • SEAL AND SIGNATURE - All seals and signatures must be original per ARS 11-480-A3 and in black ink to ensure quality reproduction. (dark blue ink may be accepted)
  • LEGIBILITY – All maps must be sufficiently legible to reproduce legibly from microfiche images and contain at least 11 point type per ARS 11-480. We will not be able to accept maps for recordation that have: printing or markings that are lighter than the rest of the map, maps that have information overlapping, or maps that are “mirrored.”


  • 24" X 36"
  • Drawn to accurate scale with at least 11pt. type with left margin of 2 inches
  • Approvals by governing body of City or County with original signatures: per ARS 9-475; ARS 9-478
  • Authorization from Water Commission received by Recorder’s Office (Unless in exempt area: City of Flagstaff) Per ARS 45-108
RECORD OF SURVEY or any other map
  • 18" X 24" or 24" X 36"
  • Drawn to accurate scale with at least 11Pt type with left margin of 2 inches
  • Parcel not split into more than 6 lots Exceptions: Lots are 36 acres or more per ARS 32-2101

All other maps may be recorded if they are letter or legal size on paper or polyester. They will be treated as regular recordings.

Exceptions: Maps required to be recorded by the director of water resources under ARS 45-401 through ARS 45-704

New Year's Day
Mon, January 2
Mon, January 1
Martin Luther King Jr. / Civil Rights Day
Mon, January 16
Mon, January 15
President's Day
Mon, February 20
Mon, February 19
Memorial Day
Mon, May 29
Mon, May 27
Independence Day
Tue, July 4
Thurs, July 4
Labor Day
Mon, September 4
Mon, September 2
Veteran's Day
Fri, November 10
Mon, November 11 
Thanksgiving Day
Thurs, November 23
Thurs, November 28
Day After Thanksgiving
Fri, November 24
Fri, November 29
Christmas Day
Mon, December 25
Wed, December 25
Día de Año Nuevo
Lun, Enero 2
Lun, Enero 1
Martin Luther King Jr. / Día de los Derechos Civiles
Lun, Enero 16
Lun, Enero 15
Día del Presidente
Lun, Febrero 20
Lun, Febrero 19
Memorial Day
Lun, Mayo 29
Lun, Mayo 27
Día de la Independencia
Mar, Julio 4
Jue, Julio 4
Día laboral
Lun, Septiembre 4
Lun, Septiembre 2
Día de los Veteranos
Vie, Noviembre 10
Lun, Noviembre 11 
Día de Gracias
Jue, Noviembre 23
Jue, Noviembre 28
Día después del Día de Acción de Gracias
Vie, Noviembre 24
Vie, Noviembre 29
Día de Navidad
Lun, Diciembre 25
Miér, Diciembre 25
Copyright © Maricopa County Recorder's Office