
Step 1: Provide a Valid Email Address

Make sure to provide a valid email address. Your e-mail must exist in our system before you can continue. If you have forgotten which e-mail is associated with your account or the original account holder is no longer with the company, please contact us at [email protected].

Step 2: Add to Allowed Email List

Add [email protected] to your allowed or safe email list.

Step 3: Check Junk and Trash Folders

After completing the above steps, please check your Junk and Trash folders to make sure you're receiving our emails.

Step 4: Coordinate with your IT Team

Ensure that your IT department has whitelisted the email address [email protected]. If you're not receiving emails, please have your technical team or email provider investigate the issue.

Password Reset

Copyright © Maricopa County Recorder and Elections Department.

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